Over 50 exhibitors and 14 workshops at the FREE day-long event, targeting all Chicago Creatives -- in visual art, music, dance, theater, film, fashion, media and more.
Learn about housing options, business and financing assistance for individual artists, art organizations and creative industry. Discover "Neighborhoods Seeking Artists" with opportunities for live, work and commercial space.
Workshops include:
Healthy Safe Creative Spaces
Curious Green? Sustainable Strategies for Artists + Art Organizations
Opening a Theater: 1st Steps
Create your own Home Recording Studio
Storefronts and Non-Traditional Buildings for Live/Work and Performance
Handling and Installing Artwork
Starting a Non-Profit Organization
Financing a Creative Organization
Moving from Rental to Ownership – I’m an artist, how can I get a mortgage?
Ending the Credit Blues
The Legalities of Home Ownership, Commercial Space and Live/Work
Tax Sales and Alternative Purchasing Option
New this year, Ask the City provides individual assistance for safe, legal and licensed creative spaces. Get a Theater License, Occupancy Permit, learn about Zoning, register to be a Street Musician, and more.